Facts/Myths About Arthritis Tips

Read these 10 Facts/Myths About Arthritis Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Arthritis tips and hundreds of other topics.

Facts/Myths About Arthritis Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 377 ratings and 1 user reviews.
What are some facts about arthritis?

The Meaning Of Arthritis

There are many people who don't know what the word arthritis means. Arth means joint. Itis means inflammation.

What are some common myths about arthritis?

Elderly Adults

One of the most common myths about arthritis is that only elderly adults develop arthritis. That is so not true. All ages of people get arthritis, including children.

What are some facts about arthritis?

All Ages

Arthritis affects one in every seven Americans. What most people don't realize is that arthritis doesn't just affect elderly adults. Arthritis affects people of all ages, including children.

What are some common myths about arthritis?


Many people think that if you move to a warmer, drier climate it can cure your arthritis, but this is just another myth. Arthritis occurs in all parts of the world. Many people do notice that a difference in the weather can cause their arthritis to flare, but for most people, moving to a different climate does not make a big enough difference to move.

Does arthritis affect everyone in the same way?

Different Ways

Arthritis affects different people in different ways. Some people think if you have arthritis you have stiffness, fatique, swelling of the joints, etc. Most people have those symptoms at some point,but it depends on the person. People respond to different treatments differently.

What is the most common form of arthritis?


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It affects more than 20 million people.

What are some facts about arthritis?

How to Tell If You Have Arthritis

Arthritis has many warning signs you can watch for, such as: pain, stiffness, occasional swelling, and difficulty moving a joint. If you have these signs for more than two weeks you need to get to your doctor. Only a doctor can diagnose you with arthritis.

What are some common myths about arthritis?

Medication Cures

Common arthritis medications can cure arthritis. This is another myth. Although many common arthritis medications can improve your health and help keep your arthritis under control, there is still no arthritis medication that can completely cure your arthritis.

Is arthritis a serious health problem?

Not Serious

One common myth is that arthritis is not a serious health problem. Arthritis is a serious health problem. Arthritis is the most common type of chronic disease. Arthritis affects one in every six Americans.

What are some common myths about arthritis?


A common myth about arthritis is that people with arthritis should not exercise. This is not true. Everybody needs exercise, even people with arthritis. Exercise is very important to people with arthritis. Exercise helps keep your joints moving, keep the muscles around your joints strong, and improves your overall health.

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